Monday, January 26, 2009

Another Thing I Know

So here's something I know. I know that, in the United States, murder is still illegal and punishable by prison sentences of various lengths, leading right up to the death penalty in certain states. And pre-meditated murder usually carries the most intense penalties.

Murder is killing a human being. I know that a pre-born baby is a human being. Abortion kills a human being, therefore, ABORTION IS MURDER. I'm not quite sure what is so difficult about that concept, but it seems to elude many people in the world these days.

Our newly elected president, just a day or two after wowing the country with his inauguration, "quietly" (meaning without press coverage), rescinded the existing ban of funding, with our tax dollars I might add, international abortion. So he basically has declared that murder is legal. He is, therefore, an accessory to murder!

Of course he, and all the others who think abortion is okay, and those who participate in it in one way or another either actively or passively, will sail blissfully through this life thinking they are doing womankind a great favor. Thinking that it's a woman's prerogative, and after all, it should be a matter between the woman and her doctor, in which case it doesn't hurt anyone, so everyone else should "butt out".

Well, let's say you disregard the father, each set of parents, any other children in the families, friends, aunts, uncles, work acquaintances & social acquaintances, there is still someone that it does hurt. The baby. Show any two year old an ultra sound of a baby, and they can easily identify it as "baby". Wonder why it's so difficult for allegedly intelligent adults to see that reality?

So, while sailing through this life as a proponent of abortion (and therefore murder), consider what the payback will be in the next life. Rest assured, there is a "next" life. And it won't be pretty.

Here's another thing I know. God is more concerned with the moral character of His people than He is with the economic policy they espouse. We should all be on our knees, begging His forgiveness for allowing Obama to be elected. God help us!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What I Know About

I just realized that I didn't explain why I've started this blog, on this blog. I gave the explanation on my existing blog, So I guess I need to clarify.

I've just begun an online course for Writing for Magazines. It's through If you've never heard of it, check it out. They have some really nifty courses--short and sweet and very, very informative, and nicely priced. Anyway, the course started yesterday. It's 6 weeks long, two lessons/week. In the first lesson, the instructor said, "if you want to write, write about what you know, or what you want to know about". Hmmm sounds easier than it is, I think.

So here's a list of "what I Know About" (ranging from knowing very little to knowing something--and not necessarily in order of the amount of my knowledge--on a percentage scale, maybe 2% to 50%):

Glen (my home town)
being a friend
being a mom
being a church secretary
being part of an organization
NY state
attending church
being a Christian
loving music
writing a blog
growing up in NYC
attending college in ND
being an only child

"What I want to Know About". Now that's much trickier. If I don't know about it, how do I know if I want to know about it? Well, here are a few things:

organizing travel tours
going to Europe
forensic photography
outrigger canoe racing

See! I already can't think of more things I want to know about. Hopefully ideas will come to me along the way. I'm keeping a pen-and-paper-journal as well as this blog, so even if I don't list the things here, I'll hopefully have them written down somewhere.

Here's something I do know however. Driving around in Honolulu is an exercise in(1) patience (oh my gosh, it's rush hour--which it seems to be most of the time--and the traffic is bumper to bumper), (2)imagination (well if I take that turn, will I end up in Waikiki or the North Shore?), and (3)hoping you have enough money in your wallet to fill the gas tank after idling in traffic for hours and/or going miles and miles out of your way because that really wasn't the correct turn to take 10 miles and one hour ago.

So maybe that's my first writing assignment (whenever I get an assignment)--writing about driving in Honolulu. Last year I heard someone on the radio say this: the streets in Honolulu resemble the aftermath of a spaghetti fight in an elementary cafeteria. So, so true!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

And So It Begins

I didn't realize when I titled this post that I was really speaking about two things today. I was originally thinking about the birthing of this blog, but as I sat here working on it I was watching a rerun of the presidential inauguration. It occurred to me that a new season in American (and world) history is beginning as well.

I decided to take some photos from the tv screen. In spite of being miles away from Washington, DC, I probably got some better photos than the majority of the people present at the inauguration. Of course, they're nowhere near the quality I'd like, but they're well worth printing and saving as a momento of this historic event.

Americans turned out in record numbers today to witness the inauguration. Hopes are high, as are expectations. Time will tell.